HTC pushing out Android 4.2.2 update for the HTC One, brings Android EQS, Long press Home for Menu action

HTC One updateHTC are currently pushing out an update to HTC One owners. The new update includes the usual bug fix or two, but main focus is on some of the UI changes and additions. Users will now have the option to display their battery level in percentage style. The inclusion of Android EQS which is the simply yet helpful quick settings menu in the notification area (simply button tap).

Other changes include the ability to long press the home button to trigger and nice menu button action. Something that was requested by users for some time now and already included in custom roms for the HTC One. HTC also include Android Daydream and some mine changes the app drawer which includes removing all apps from the app dock on Sense 5.0 and adding your own without removing them from the app drawer itself.

The update is already appearing on devices around the world, however there are expected delays depending on location and your carrier.

Craig O'Sullivan

Creator of Passionate about Technology and always looking for that next cool gadget or app

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