Judge rejects Apples request to ban sale of Samsung Galaxy Devices in the U.S

The battle between Apple and Samsung have been going on for sometime now, With the biggest event hitting the fan now, The ban in the U.S would have been the biggest Apple could have hoped for, But that request has been denied by a US District court judge.

Samsung are obviously glad to hear this and have released an offical statement regarding the rejection of the ban.

‘Samsung welcomes today’s ruling denying Apple’s request for a preliminary injunction. This ruling confirms our long-held view that Apple’s arguments lack merit. In particular, the court has recognized that Samsung has raised substantial questions about the validity of certain Apple design patents. We are confident that we can demonstrate the distinctiveness of Samsung’s mobile devices when the case goes to trial next year. We will continue to assert our intellectual property rights and defend against Apple’s claims to ensure our continued ability to provide innovative mobile products to consumers.’

Apple have yet to release a any statement about the rejection of the request. They are perhaps rethinking there plans or just going over the 65 page document about the rejection over and over again to see WHY!!!!!!

If you enjoy legal jargon, Then you can simply check out the Document below. It’s a good read!!

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Craig O'Sullivan

Creator of Geektech.ie Passionate about Technology and always looking for that next cool gadget or app

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